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May 2023 NIB Awards

May 2023 NIB Awards - Nurturing Growth, Inspiring Achievement, Building Community - South Kitsap School District

May 2023 NIB Awards


NIB is any school district employee, student, volunteer, or community member who exhibits the characteristics of the South Kitsap School District vision of Nurturing growth, Inspiring achievement, and Building community.

Trish Macomber - Transportation NIB Awards

Trish Macomber

I would like to nominate Trish for her excellent support in handling some safety concerns within our district. Her quick response and communication with the staff members is much appreciated.

NormaJacobs, RachelMerkley, DanielleFaust, and ChristopherNitz - Transportation NIB Awards

Norma Jacobs, Rachel Merkley, Danielle Faust & Christopher Nitz

These individuals exude positivity, reliability and generosity and go above and beyond on a daily basis. They are efficient, friendly and attentive to detail.  They set a wonderful example for all and are great assets to the Transportation team and SKSD.

Ken David, Thomas McNeil, and Kevin Hauenstein - Cedar Heights NIB Awards

Ken David, Thomas McNeil & Kevin Hauenstein
Cedar Heights

We greatly appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to teach and encourage the students who have decided to wrestle. Your passion for this sport has helped motivate them as individuals and as a team.


Cedar Heights Wrestling Parents - NIB Awards

Cedar Heights Wrestling Parents

Thank you for volunteering your time and talents to help coach our children and sharing your love and passion for wrestling with them. We appreciate you!

Alaura Titus - Marcus Whitman NIB Awards

Alaura Titus
Marcus Whitman

Chris stepped up and took on my role to help support the developmental preschool and OSS office to cover another staff member’s leave. Due to the early delivery, she just had to jump right into it, and even though it was crazy and challenging, Chris did a great job. Chris is a huge team player and her help and commitment to the office was amazing and so helpful.

Aimee Sanford - Sunnyslope NIB Awards

Aimee Sanford

Aimee goes above and beyond to reach all her students. Seeing a need to give ELL students more enrichment opportunities through STEM. She spearheaded an after-school STEM club targeted towards ELL students. She reached out and teamed with the Keyport/PSNS lending library to bring vocabulary, enrichment and science knowledge to those students. While also creating an experience they’ll always remember.

Kashi Tomicich - Marcus Whitman NIB Awards

Kashi Tomicich
Marcus Whitman

Angie is such a blessing to this department and to everyone with whom she has contact. She goes out of her way to connect with the students who ride her bus, parents trust her and understand that her priority is the safety of their children, and her kind and caring approach is inspiring.

Wade Clemetson - Transportation NIB Awards

Wade Clemetson

Thank you for giving me a hand with washing buses on your own time. Your actions to go the extra mile are appreciated and noticed.

Nicole Hartness, Michelle Primeau, and Mkie Church - Transportation NIB Awards

Nicole Hartness, Michelle Primeau & Mike Church

Outstanding work during WSP inspection. Excellent communication with mechanics. The team was able to make quick adjustments and fixes based on the extra set of eyes helping out. Your attention to detail made our 2023 WSP inspection a successful one. Thank you!

Jenni Ballew - Information Technology Services NIB Awards

Jenni Ballew
Information Technology Services

I am frequently asking Jenni for help with something; whether it’s HelloID, curriculum integration or getting logins. And she is always kind and gracious! Never once has she told me something wasn’t possible, even if it took a million tries and work arounds. When most people would have given up on a task, she keeps at it, and I am so grateful to her!

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