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READY! for Kindergarten Winter Workshop Schedule

Birth to age 5 is the time to get your child...READY! for Kindergarten. Register for this year's free workshop!

Calling all families and caregivers living within the South Kitsap School District caring for children ages birth to 5!

Join us for this year’s free parent workshops where we will give you the tools to prepare your child for school success!

Visit this website for more information and to register!

READY! Workshop Schedule

Birth to Age 5: Prepare Your Child for School Success!


Virtual Workshop registration has opened!

After registration you may complete your workshop(s) at your convenience until the end of the day on Friday, February 23rd.

Tool pick-up instructions will be sent after your workshop(s) and the end of course survey are completed.


Virtual workshop and survey must be completed by Feb. 23rd to qualify for tool pick-up

After you create your account online, follow the prompts to register for your age-appropriate workshop(s).

Please Note: Families/Caregivers may only choose to attend either virtual or in-person workshops, per child.

Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions each offer unique tools and learning materials!

Caregivers, please call (360) 874-7061 to register.


In-Person Workshop(s) will be held on Saturday, February 24th

The Winter In-Person workshop will be held at Orchard Heights Elementary School on February 24th and free, on-site childcare is available with your registration.

After your registration is confirmed, you will receive an email with further details and instructions.

  • 6-8
  • 9-12
  • K-5
  • SKSD
First page of the PDF file: RFKWinterWorkshops2324-SP
First page of the PDF file: RFKWinterWorkshops-2324