SKWay Awards May 2024
May 2024 SKWay Awards - Thank you for living the SKWay
Patricia Barret, Jessica Motter, Carol Enderud, Angie Hall, Heather Jacquemart
The amazing FNS staff work hard everyday to prepare meals for students that are delicious as well as nutritious. They recently served Bison and Barley soup which was locally sourced along with Washington grown apple and radish slices. Using locally sourced, fresh food has been an initiative of the FNS team and the Bison was a huge success with students.
Way to think BIG!!!
Award Winner: Patricia Barret, Jessica Motter, Carol Enderud, Angie Hall, Heather Jacquemart, Food & Nutrtition Services
Nominated by: Monica Hunsaker
Izzy Chang & Ari Castillo
Marcus Whitman Middle School AVID students Izzy Chang and Ari Castillo coordinated two major food drives this year. During the second round, Izzy, Ari, and their peers collected 1800 pounds of food and supplies for families in the South Kitsap community. The staff at SK Helpline say thank you for Thinking Big and for Loving People!
Thinking BIG & Loving People
Award Winner: Izzy Chang & Ari Castillo, Students at Marcus Whitman Middle School
Nominated by: South Kitsap Helpline
Jean Brazeal
Jean is a fantastic paraeducator in the SKHS Social Communication program. She’s truly there for the kids and never stops in her unwavering support of them and their achievement, both academic and in life. She is also an amazing support for fellow paras. Jean knows her purpose.
Know Your Purpose
Award Winner: Jean Brazeal, Paraeducator at South Kitsap High School
Nominated by: Shannon Wells
Heidi Wilske & Dawn Williamson
Heidi and Dawn have consistently demonstrated their care for students and they have been prompt in requests. When students are not fulfilling the 3 days of missed transportation expectation, they continue to try to get these students to school. They reach out with multiple communications and work above and beyond to support students. It has been wonderful working with them. Thank you for loving people!
Love People
Award Winner: Heidi Wilske & Dawn Williamson, Transportation
Nominated by: Joanne Warren
We are committed to creating a culture where everyone feels they belong and are supported in becoming their best selves. We truly understand the value of a positive, cohesive culture that brings out the best in each of us. Our actions, behaviors, and interactions are all guided by the core values of the SK Way.
The SK Way, is our unique identity and the story of the South Kitsap School District. Each month, we acknowledge and celebrate staff members, students, volunteers, and community members who exemplify our core values.
If you catch a district employee, student, volunteer, or community member exhibiting one of our core values we want to hear about it!
- SKWay Awards