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2100 - Educational Opportunities for Military Children

  • Policy

The board recognizes that the children of military families encounter unique educational and emotional challenges related to enrollment, course placement and graduation because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents. To facilitate the placement, enrollment, graduation and provision of special services for students transferring into or out of the district because of their parents being on full-time active duty in the uniformed services of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders, the district supports and will implement its responsibilities outlined in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (Compact), as adopted by the state of Washington. Uniformed services includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, as well as the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and public health services.

Eligible students are those enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade who are children of active duty personnel, active duty personnel or veterans who have been severely injured and medically discharged and active duty personnel who die on active duty or as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one year after death. Students are not eligible for the provisions of the Compact if they are children of inactive National Guard or military reserves, retired personnel and veterans not included above, or U.S. Department of Defense personnel and other Federal civilian service employees and contract employees.

The superintendent will establish procedures to ensure full compliance with the law and to facilitate communication and coordination between sending/receiving schools in Washington and other Compact-member states.

In addition to the Compact, Washington’s Compulsory School Attendance and Admission law specifically addresses residency requirements for student with a parent in the military. The district will conditionally accept applications for enrollment and course registration, including electronic applications, when a family serving in the military is transferred to, or is pending transfer to, a military installation within the state while on active duty pursuant to official military orders.

Within fourteen days of the arrival date stated on official military documentation, the parent must provide the district with proof of residence in the district. Any of the following constitutes proof of residence in the school district: A temporary on-base billeting facility; A purchased or leased residence, or a signed purchase and sale agreement or lease agreement for a residence; or Any federal government housing or off-base military housing, including off-base military housing provided through a public-private venture.

Legal References: 

Chapter 28A.705 RCW          Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children

Adoption Date: October 21, 2014

Revised: December 3, 2015 (renumbered from 2101 to 2100), February 19, 2020


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