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Developmental Preschool

preschool student with art project

Madrona Heights Developmental Preschool Program provides Special Education services and support for eligible preschoolers age 3 - 5 years old. If you suspect your child has a developmental delay, please contact the Office of Special Education at 360-443-3625 to schedule a Child Find appointment.

Developmental Preschool is located at:
6100 SE Denny Bond Blvd
Olalla, WA 98359
Phone: (360) 443-3625

Screenings and evaluations for preschool are located at:
2150 Fircrest Dr SE
Room C1
Port Orchard WA 98366
Phone: (360) 443-3625

Itinerant preschool services are located at:
2150 Fircrest Dr SE
Room B1
Port Orchard WA 98366
Phone: (360) 443-3625



Child Find Screening


South Kitsap School District conducts regular activities to identify children with disabilities, aged birth through 21 years of age. A disability may present a delay in learning, speech or language, motor skills, or social and emotional abilities. Parents or staff that suspect a school aged child of having a disability shall contact their neighborhood school's School Psychologist or Principal. A school aged child is defined as those kindergarten age eligible through 21 years of age. Parents and caregivers of children not yet old enough to attend kindergarten should contact the Early Childhood Coordinator at the Office of Special Education.

Regular screening and assessment activities are conducted to identify preschool aged children (approx. 3-5 years) that may have a disability and be in need of special education services. Screenings are generally held once per month and one week each July.

If you believe your child may have a disability and you are interested in having him or her screened, please contact the Office of Special Services at (360) 443-3625.

Child Find Screening Form