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Native American | Alaskan Native Education


Welcome Back Students!


Native American | Alaskan Native Education serves Indigenous students in our district from over 80 federally recognized tribes, 29 of them from Washington State alone. Our program provides services like tutoring/homework assistance, field trips, and cultural summer camps, and employs a full-time Support Specialist who assists students and families. The South Kitsap Indian Parent Advisory Council (S.K.I.P.A.C.) is staffed by parent, teacher, and student volunteers and engages in advising and promoting our programs, and planning a variety of activities for students and their families throughout the year.

Our program is primarily funded by a federal Title VI grant based on tribal enrollment. If your student is the member of a federally recognized tribe, or has a parent or grandparent who is a tribal member, please fill out and return the Title VI enrollment form below so we can continue to provide these important resources and opportunities to our Native youth.

Title VI Student enrollment form


Interested in after-school tutoring for your student? Click on the link below to let us know!
Our after school tutoring program is now available to all Native American and Alaskan Native students K-12. Tutoring will take place after school on days agreed upon by the parent and tutoring volunteer(s). Each student qualifies for two hours of tutoring per week until our funds are exhausted. Tutoring is provided by paraeducators that work in the school district. If you are interested in enrolling your child in the tutoring program or have questions, please fill out this form and/or contact Support Specialist Matthew Haver below.


NAANE Support Specialist:
Matthew Haver
(360) 874-7017
Port Orchard Armory - 1950 SE Mile Hill Drive, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Matthew (Gix Kaa) is Alaskan Native (Tlingit) on his mother’s side and a voting member of both Sealaska™ and The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Matthew has been an educator since 2017, working as a Resource Paraeducator, Library & Media Specialist, and tutor.


Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day 2023

Suquamish Land Acknowledgement

Links & Resources