Skyward Family Access - Reference Guides
Skyward Family Access gives parents real-time on-line access to student information, including attendance, class schedules, and immunization records. Parents can verify on-line that the emergency contact information on each student is correct. For tips on using Family Access, please view our Reference Guides below!
If you do not have a login ID for Family Access, please contact your student's school. You may be asked to visit in-person so your identity can be verified.
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Impact Aid Survey
Open October 1, 2024
The Impact Aid federal grant program provides funds to local school districts financially impacted by nearby federal activities and tax exemptions. These funds provide critical support to our students. Please complete a survey for each student in the household and return to your student's school. Your assistance with this annual grant process is greatly appreciated! The information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Herramientas de recursos
Verify Your Student's Information and Complete Annual Forms
At the start of each year, we ask parents/guardians of currently enrolled students to complete the Annual Verification and Acknowledgement process. This annual process allows you to verify and update your contact information, emergency contacts, and electronically sign annual forms.
Please login to Skyward Family Access at your earliest convenience to complete this process.