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Records Retention

Records Retention Schedules for School Districts and Educational Service Districts

*Series appearing in the Local Government General Retention Schedule have been removed from the School Districts and Educational Service Districts schedule. Please refer to the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule below for records series not covered above.


This database is comprised of all records series included in the School District and Educational Service District Records Retention Schedule, as well as the CORE (Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule) and the LGGRRS (Local Government General Records Retention Schedule). The database can be accessed at:

Due to the limitations of the database application, please make your selections in the drop-down boxes carefully. Select the schedules you would like to search (CORE and Schools, for instance), then click the "Select All" choice in the category drop-down box. Standard search rules apply, so use the fewest letters necessary for the most thorough search. (i.e. "bus" rather than "buses"; "lunch" rather than "lunch ticket".)

Destruction Record

The destruction record is located in the Forms Library under Business Services / Records Retention. When documenting the destruction of records, be sure to list the applicable disposition authority number from the records retention guide. Each building maintains their own destruction records.


For more information about the records retention, please contact Business and Support Services at 874-7013.