This program is for 19 to 21 year old students determined by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Team as needing extended transition services into work and the community. The program focuses upon safety and social communication, daily living skills, work training and experience and recreation/leisure activities. The CTP is part of South Kitsap High School Programs.
he Community Transition Program (CTP) is designed to assist students in their transition from the high school learning environment into the community and world of work. Students attending CTP learn basic living skills, work preparation, job skills, personal safety, community access, and recreational skills.
Community Transition Program location:
751 Mitchell Ave.
Port Orchard, WA 98366
The Community Transition Program is designed for students, ages 18-21 years of age, who have met state graduation requirements, but continue to need further skill development and support in transition.
The Community Transition Program assists students with disabilities in their transition from the high school learning environment into the community and world of work.
Our facility is located next to South Kitsap High School, with job sites and field trips throughout the community.
The goal of CTP is to help students acquire the skills needed to become independent at home, on the job, and in the community.
Students attending CTP learn basic living skills, work preparation, job skills, personal safety, community travel and recreation skills.
Monday: 8:30 -3:00
Tuesday: 8:30-3:00
Wednesday: 9:15-3:00
Thursday: 8:30-3:00
Friday: 8:30-3:00
Though daily class times differ, The Community Transition Program is in session the same attendance days as South Kitsap High School.
Download a copy of the CTP Syllabus
This program is designed for students (ages 18-21 years old) who have met most state graduation requirements, but who's IEP Team believe that the child could benefit from additional time and skill development before becoming a more independent adult.
Students are taught in each area to achieve the greatest level of independence possible for their disability. Students gain experience in a number of community jobs based upon their interests and abilities. Through collaboration with community agencies, such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Disabilities, and the Department of Developmental Disabilities the goal is to transition each adult student into the community where they will be employed and be a productive community citizen.
Our facility is located adjacent to South Kitsap High School, with daily access to in-house academic and independence training, job sites experiences and community based experiences.
Student's Individualized Educational Program's (IEP) dictate the amounts of time spent and specific targets of involvement with:
- Work Experience Opportunities
- Independence and Consumerism Training
Social and Community Access Skills Development
Health and Safety Concerns
State and Local Graduation Requirements
Grading and Attendance
Grades are commonly listed as Pass or No Credit, based upon satisfactory or better (50%+) demonstration of the following evaluated Employability Skills: Portfolio completion, Punctuality, Dependability, Dress Code, Appropriateness, Team Work, and Initiative. Common school policies apply (85%+ attendance) in order to earn credit in any given class period. Credits earned through CTP are generally accepted as supplanting remaking credits needed for graduations, with Team approval.