South Kitsap School District learners are:
Problem solvers who synthesize information and explore multiple perspectives to find creative and realistic solutions.
Community contributors who understand that they are members of a global society and feel a sense of responsibility to make a contribution both at the local level and in the wider world.
Confident learners who strive to be their best and recognize their purpose and value both in and outside of school.
Effective communicators who actively listen, strive to understand others, and seek to be understood.
Critical thinkers who actively and skillfully evaluate information as a guide to beliefs and action.
Collaborators who participate effectively in a range of collaborative forums to build understanding of concepts and ideas, and complete authentic tasks and projects.
Leaders who create a safe environment in which everyone feels valued and inspired to achieve a common goal.
Innovators who don’t limit themselves by what is, they seek to create something new and better.